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8 Home Hacks Amid The Coronavrus Outbreak To Avoid Self-Isolation Boredom

16 MAR 2020
Whether you’re quarantining yourself or just exercising some responsible social distancing, chances are we’re all spending some time at home at the moment.

Coronavirus has all of us spending more time at home than usual, but it doesn’t have to be a waste. Now is a great time to reacquaint yourself with your home.

We’ve put a list together of things to do if you find yourself sick enough to be quarantined, but well enough to be faced with boredom.

1. Clean out your fridge and pantry

Although we’re all tempted to hit the shops and stock up, experts say panic buying isn’t the answer.

Get your fridge and pantry sorted before you head to the shops. Picture: Ross Campbell

So before you pack your car boot with six months worth of tinned goods, it pays to go through what you already have in the pantry.

You might have forgotten about the bags of rice and pasta that have fallen to the back.

Completely empty out your pantry and fridge, throw out what’s inedible and itemise what’s still good. You’ll be surprised at how many meals can be made from the goodies at the back of the pantry without spending a single cent.

2. Give your plants some love

Whether you have a garden or just a few pot plants on the balcony, you could use this time to re-acquaint yourself with your green thumb.

Not only will it make your place look and feel nicer, but plants are also proven to help reduce anxiety, which could be an issue given the current situation.

Now’s the time to get out in the garden. Picture:

3. Clean out your bathroom cabinet

Similarly to the pantry and fridge, your bathroom cabinet can accumulate years worth of medicines, products and potions.

Now is a great time to go through what’s there, ditch what’s out of its use-by date and itemise what you have on hand in the bathroom.

Make sure the vulnerable in our society can still access the basic medicines they need, without being faced with empty shelves because the rest of us are stockpiling unnecessarily.

Bathroom reno trend predictions 2020

4. Check-in with your older or vulnerable friends and relatives

While many of us will be at home with family members, older Australians may be cut off from society.

Why not set a reminder for yourself to give them a call every day or so?

If they’re digitally savvy, you could set up a video call or play a shared game of Scrabble.

Keeping in touch with friends and family is easier than ever with technology. Picture: Getty

5. Set up ways for your household to become more sustainable

Have you been meaning to start that bokashi or compost bin but haven’t got around to it? Now you can, and why not get the kids involved!

Start a herb garden, plant some vegetables and get growing. Not only will it kill the boredom, but it’ll make your home a greener place for the long term.

Make a seed bombpropagate some herbs or build a scarecrow. There are so many ways to keep yourself, and the kids, busy in the garden.

The compost you create will help nourish your garden. Picture: Getty

Go through your wardrobe and donate items you don’t need to charity, or get your much-loved items looking their best. Try them out with different outfits and play around with accessories.

Sustainability at home is all about getting more from what you already have.

6. Watch those classic movies, shows and books you’ve been meaning to get to

Never watched The Godfather from start to finish? If ever there was a time – it’s now.

We’re all guilty of buying books or hearing about movies and never getting to them. By the time this virus emergency settles down, we could all be a little bit more cultured!

Be sure to set up your space to give yourself the ultimate viewing/comfort experience.

TV set homes of Melbourne

7. Get those odd-jobs done

Have you been meaning to fix something at home? Got some cleaning to do?

Studies show that Aussies love putting off odd-jobs, so why not buck the trend and get on top of your to-do list now, while you have some downtime.

8. Get crafting with the kids

Boredom at home is only heightened when kids are added to the mix.

Why not try some Easter-themed activities? Or get creative with these fun craft ideas.

Kids won’t be bored when you mention it’s almost time to get ready for Easter. Picture: Getty

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